ALVI Technical Data
Micro-particulate exist in our homes and are dangerous. ALVI removes harmful micro-particulate from the air that traditional filters do not.
Common Symptoms
Allergies, chest congestion, coughing, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, hypersensitivity, lack of focus, nausea, shortness of breath, sinus congestion, sneezing & more.
Long Term Symptoms
Alzheimer's, asthma, cardio-vascular disease, COPD, dementia, depression, lung cancer, sick building syndrome & more.
ALVI’s performance was tested @ 300fpm @ <0.5 microns in a 2500 cu. ft. clean room built to ANSI/AHAM standards against a HEPA filter & 1” pleated filter. Over a 2-hour period ALVI was able to significantly out perform the traditional filter and provide HEPA class performance.
ALVI’s performance was tested @ 300fpm @ 0.007 microns in a 2500 cu. ft. clean room built to ANSI/AHAM standards against a Bypass HEPA filter, Full-Flow HEPA & a MERV 12 Pleated Filter. Over a 90-minute period ALVI was able to significantly out perform all tested filters at removing 0.007 micro-particulate from the room.
What are VOC's?
VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) are harmful gasses that are emitted from solids or liquids such as components of petroleum fuels, hydraulic fluids, paint, paint thinners, and dry cleaning agents etc. VOC’s are one of the most prevalent indoor air pollutants. Virtually any material in a building or home has the potential for containing organic compounds that can evaporate or sublimate from its surfaces into the air. Many of the common elements found in buildings are home (such as furniture) absorb VOC’s and slowly release them back into the air. Formaldehyde gas is given off by a wide variety of buildings materials/products such as plywood, chip board, particle board, drywall, sealants, caulking, carpet padding, paint, treated fabrics and furniture that contains glue or laminate. Other materials such as solvents, dry cleaning, pesticides, scented candles, air fresheners and household cleaning products can all emit dozens VOC’s into the air. High levels of VOC’s are often found in new home/building constructions where much of the building materials are off-gassing (this can occur for years after construction). High levels of VOC’s are also commonly found in older homes and buildings.
Health Effects of VOC's
Negative health effects of people exposed to elevated levels of VOC’s depends on the type and concentration of VOC being inhaled. Typical symptoms of VOC exposure include blurred vision, headaches, nausea, dizziness, coughing, burning eyes, sinus irritation, skin rashes, respiratory illness, difficulty focusing, depression and in extreme cases loss of consciousness or suffocation.
ALVI VOC Test Results
VOC measurements were taken before and after the install of the ALVI unit. Prior to installing the ALVI a standard pleated filter was used in the homes. The VOC’s were measured using a Passive Diffusion Monitor which was analyzed by an independent air air quality lab using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS).
The readings with a standard pleated air filter were 131 micrograms of VOC’s per cubic meter and the readings after installing an ALVI unit were reduced to 84.8 micrograms of VOC’s per cubic meter. ALVI reduced VOC’s by 46% within a 48 hour period.
Mould spores are harmful-ALVI removes them from your air.
What is Mould/Fungi?
Roof leaks, foundation cracks, plumbing leaks, appliance overflows condensation and high relative humidity can introduce excessive moisture into buildings. Materials such as insulation, wood, carpet, drywall, wall paper, fabrics, dust can all become a breeding ground for harmful mould and bacteria.
Buildings that do not have a source for mould growth will typically show similar or lesser counts and types (genus/species) of mould spores indoors compared to outdoor levels. Buildings that do have a source of indoor mould growth typically show higher counts of spores as well as mould spore types (genus and/or species) that are not represented in the outdoor sample. (In this case levels are considered to be amplified over outdoor levels). Amplification for viable mould spores in many cases should be a few hundred colony forming units (CFU) higher than outside levels for there to be any significant growth. CFU counts below 200 CFU/cubic meter usually do not elicit health effects in healthy individuals.
Spore traps that measure total counts of spores per cubic meter for viable and non-viable mould spores should also be lower indoors compared to outdoors. Total spore counts indoors can be in the range of 2000 counts or lower as long as outdoor levels are within this range. Spore trap results are considered ‘Amplified’ when indoor results are 3 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels for individual genus. Overall concentration or severity of outdoor levels should also be considered.
Health Effects
There are indoor mould species that are allergenic and there are mould species that can be extremely toxic. Some moulds cause allergic reactions including hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic rhinitus, asthma, sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness, lethargy, and fever. Certain moulds produce toxins (mycotoxins) as a by-product of living. These so-called ‘toxigenic’ moulds can cause digestive problems, joint problems, lung damage, ocular disease, ear infections, and some species are considered carcinogenic. Mould spores that have become non-viable (dead) due to the fact that they have dried out or have been killed by bleach or a biocide retain their mycotoxins. Dead mould spores when inhaled can cause the same health issues and allergic reactions as living mould spores.
Children, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems are particularly susceptible to these contaminants. Exposure to mould can occur through skin contact, inhalation or ingestion of mould spores and fragments.
ALVI Mould Test Results
Laboratory samples were taken in multiple areas of the homes using specialized air monitoring cassette which. The cassette is a spore trap that captures viable (living) and non-viable (dead) mould spores onto a microscope slide containing an adhesive. Air was drawn through the air monitoring cassette at 15 litres per minute for 5 minutes for the outdoor sample and 5 minutes for indoor samples.
A pump was used and digitally calibrated on site using a primary calibration instrument before samples were taken. These samples are then identified via microscopy and quantified by an independent laboratory. A standard pleated filter was found to reduce mould spores by 25% and ALVI was found to reduce mould spores by 71%.
The ALVI Whole Home Air Purifier outperforms Traditional Filters in every category. ALVI provides cleaner air, lasts longer, lowers home energy consumption and provides data on indoor air quality events.